Friday, September 7, 2018

我最喜歡的 50 部電影之一: The Wrong Box

我最喜歡的 50 部電影之其中一部 : The Wrong Box (中文譯作"入錯棺材死錯人") 1966 年出品

在自己的 Blog 寫、不需要跟著次序來介紹我自己喜歡的 50 部電影。這一部喜劇我放在第 48 、其實不只一部、應該是三部一起才對、其他兩部是 The Party & The Pink Panther、因為都是 Peter Sellers 主演的、非常難於取捨,不過因為這部 Wrong Box 還有其他喜劇演員如 John Mills, Dudley Moore, Ralph Richardson, Tony Hancock 和 Michael Caine 等、所以才選這一部。其實這影片的故事很簡單、是關於兩個上了年紀的兄弟爭 "基金"、(這個基金是六十多年前、幾家大小成員合份建立一個投資基金,若干年後看誰是最後一位生存在世上,便可得到連本帶利一項可觀的現金。) 現在只剩下這兩兄弟、其中病的大哥 (John Mills) 想臨死前見見弟弟 (Ralph Richardson) 、他想得到這筆錢留給自己的孫 (Michael Caine)、但這兩兄弟是四十年未見過面、雖然大家都是鄰居,大哥要求見弟弟是想弄死他、於是便搞出一連串笑話!

Peter Sellers (1925 - 1080) 他在這片的戲份不多、但我很欣賞他的演技、但是扮演任何角色都非常投入,可惜他離世太早,不然他應會有更多隹作!在這裡他扮演一位養幾十隻貓的怪醫生、反為在 The Pink Panther 的 Clouseau 警官更幽默!而他在 The Party 中餵雀那一幕(Birdie Num Num)可算是他的經典之作了!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Star Wars - The Original Trilogy

 "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away"

TOP OF MY LIST - Star Wars - The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope (1977); 
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980); 
and Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)

They were all written and directed by George Lucas, starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.  

A New Hope came out in 1977!  Wow, it was 41 years ago!  Time flies!  Our whole family went to see it together...son was in primary school then.  We all were so wrapped up in the characters from the movie.  Other than Princess Leia, Luke, Han Solo, Obi Wan, Yoda, etc., we all wanted to know what should happen next... And I went and buy all the toy figurines for my son!

1977 年隔現今已是 41 年前,時間過得真快!記得看完 Star Wars 第一部戲、我的兒子、那時還是讀小學、便嚷著要買所有 Star Wars 玩具、那個時代、我們還是要供屋和顧著其他開支、所以只能續每月買一個或兩個玩具給兒子、直至到差不多買齊時、第二部 Star Wars 戲又上影了、又更多新玩具上市了!


My 50 Favourite Movies 我最喜歡的 50 部電影

我最喜歡的 50 部電影

Just a few days ago, Monica Cheng has nominated me to select 10 of my favourite movies on Facebook.  I accepted but found it difficult to just select 10, so I said I would do 20.  But as I go through my list, I cannot just name 20, so here I select 50 of my favourite movies.

Some of them might not be box office winners, nor did they win any awards, nor did they come with a big cast, etc.  I just like them and wouldn't mind watching them over and over again!

I would like to point out that most people won't include any comedies as one of their favourite movies, but I do enjoy watching them, especially "The Wrong Box".  I was debating with myself whether I should put down Peter Seller's "Pink Panther" and his "The Party", but I still like "The Wrong Box" better.  When I write about "The Wrong Box", I will bring up more good comedies worth mentioning!

First I name all 50 of them here; then I will introduce them one by one later...  Some of them were previously mentioned in this Blog, then I will just supply with the link to that page.

1) Star Wars Trilogy - 4, 5, 6 (1977, 1980, 1983)
2) Indiana Jones Movies - by Harrison Ford 4 movies (1981, 1984, 1989, 2008)
3) Star Trek III - The Search for Spock (1984)
4) The Lord of The Rings - Trilogy (2001, 2002, 2003)
5) Back To The Future (all three movies - 1985, 1989, 1990)
6) Superman - The first Superman movie by Christopher Reeves (1978)
7) The Graduate (1967)
8) Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961)
9) From Here To Eternity (1953)
10) Rebel Without A Cause (1955)
11) Gidget (1959)
12) Beau Brummell (1954)
13) The Magic Bow (1946)
14) Camelot (1967)
15)  A Place In The Sun (1951)
16) Home From The Hill (1960)
17) Roman Holiday (1953)
18) Gigi (1958)
19) Tiger Bay (1959)
20) Summer Holiday (1963)
21) The Magnificent Seven (1960)
22) Pandora and The Flying Dutchman (1951)
23) The Great Escape (1963)
24) Splendor In the Grass (1961)
25) All The Fine Young Cannibals (1960)
26) A Summer Place (1959)
27) Young Bess (1953)
28) The Long Hot Summer (1958)
29) Stand By Me (1986)
30) Picnic (1955)
31) Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
32) West Side Story (1961)
33) Duel In The Sun (1946)
34) Grease (1978)
35) Doctor Zhivago (1965)
36) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
37) Where The Boys Are (1960)
38) The Longest Day(1959)
39) Lovers Must Learn - Rome Adventure (1962)
40) Rio Bravo (1959)
41) The Apartment (1960)
42) East Of Eden (1965)
43) Ivanhoe (1952)
44) The Miracle (1959)
45) Saturday Night Fever (1977)
46) The Way We Were (1973)
47) An Affair To Remember (1957)
48) The Wrong Box (1966)
49) Pillow Talk (1959)
50) The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1966)

Friday, October 28, 2016

Magnificent Seven (七俠蕩寇誌) & Great Escape (大逃亡龍虎榜)

Magnificent Seven「七俠蕩寇誌」這部片的題材其實是根據日本著名導演黑澤明在 1954年拍的「七俠四義」Seven Samurai 而改寫的,「七俠蕩寇誌」由 John Sturges 導演、在 1960年上映,票房紀錄不錯,主題曲 Magnificent Seven是著名作曲家兼指揮家 Elmer Berstein 撰寫的,這曲曾上流行榜。故事很簡單,是描述一個墨西哥村落被一惡霸 (Eli Wallach) 及其夥伴欺凌,於是村民便請來七位俠士幫忙,希望七俠可以趕絶惡勢力,一場打鬥、結果七俠打勝了、不過其中四位俠士卻壯烈犠牲。


·                    Yul Brynner (尤伯連納) as Chris Adams
·                    Steve McQueen (史提夫麥昆) as Vin 
·                    Charles Bronson as Bernardo
·                    Robert Vaughn as Lee
·                    Brad Dexter as Harry
·                    James Coburn as Britt
·                    Horst Buchholz as Chico

除了尤伯連納之外,其他六人中有五人因這片走紅了,尤其是史提夫麥昆,他的影片不用我在這裡說了!其次是 Charles Bronson James Coburn,他們都後來拍了不少賣座的電影如Bronson The Dirty Dozen; Death WishCoburn Our Man Flint; Duffy 等!

至於 Robert Vaughn 後來接了 Man from U.N.C.L.E. 電視片集飾演 Napoleon Solo 一角,非常受歡迎!Horst Buchholz 是德國占士甸,因為這片便接了更多荷里活大片如 Fanny One, Two, Three 等。而往往被遺忘的便是 Brad Dexter,其實他的際遇也不錯,他的前妻是名歌星 Peggy Lee,這片之後他也拍了很多電影和電視作配角。

在這片犠牲了的四俠是 Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Robert Vaughn Brad Dexter.

因為這部片受歡迎又賣座、於是在 1963年、導演 John Sturges再找來七俠中的三個拍了 The Great Escape(大逃亡)龍虎榜、他們是史提夫麥昆、Charles Bronson James Coburn。故事描述二次世界大戰時在德軍戰俘營中、一位美國戰俘 (史提夫麥昆 Steve McQueen) 帶領大約 250人策劃挖掘隧道逃出戰俘營,因為 Charles Bronson James Coburn 在七俠中喪生,所以這次導演特別安排他兩人安全逃離,片中史提夫麥昆坐着電單車逃亡那段是全片的精華、使人難忘,雖然他最終被擒回戰俘營,亦算救了一些人重獲自由。這片令史提夫麥昆紅得發紫!

這片的主題曲 The Great Escape仍然是由 Elmer Berstein 撰寫的,不過卻沒有七俠的主題曲這麽流行。

PS –
香港電影也曾以「七俠蕩寇誌」的題材在 1964 年拍了一部「江湖七虎」,是林家聲、南紅、林蛟等主演的,值得一看。   ( )

不過、2016 年重拍的 Magnificent Seven、由 Denzel Washington主演,我是不會看的,正如我不會去看 Ben Hur 重拍一樣,或者是我的徧見吧,我總覺得後者是永遠比不上前者的!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Would Star Wars 7 end differently if George Lucas had written the script?

SPOILER ALERT: If you have not seen “Star Wars 7”  do not read any further.

Would Star Wars 7 end differently if George Lucas had written the script?  At least, Han wouldn't have been killed by his son.  

Of course, when Disney bought Lucasfilm, they were only thinking of making more money.  With Harrison Ford already getting a paycheque around $20 million or may be more to reprise his role as Han Solo, and Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher each getting a pay in the low seven figure range, that means their profit will be quite slim unless it turns into a huge box office success.  That's why Harrison Ford's Han Solo got to die in the first sequel trilogy, ensuring he will have no part in the second and third sequels.  It's all money talk!  I am sure George Lucas must have made a few suggestions to Disney, one of them must be keeping his heroes alive, including Han Solo, but Disney did not use his ideas!  Why?  Money, of course!

Also, it doesn't make sense that the son of Leia and Han would turn to the dark side and kill his father.  If anyone would turn to the dark side, it would make sense that would be Luke Skywalker's son.  After all, it's been a Skywalker who had turned to the dark side in the past!  Okay, the marriage of Leia and Han broke down, just like most marriages, but given their personality, their son couldn't have turned out to be such a brat, so cruel and heartless!  Neither Leia nor Han was a cold blooded killer, so their son Ren couldn't have turned out to be that bad!

I think J. J. Abrams would have a lot of explaining to do in the sequel that follows!  What exactly went wrong!  Here I would like to pick on Abrams...  What an awful scene when Leia saw Han again, after, God knows, how many years!  It was supposed to be a very moving scene, but it was quick and hardly touching!  There was no chemistry between the two, no compassion of any kind, no feelings, no agreement or disagreement.  Just NOTHING!  They vaguely talked about their son and she asked Han to bring him home, that's all!   I was very disappointed.  I feel there should be more interaction between these two actors...more talk, more scenes together!  Abrams must be taking his Mission Impossible speed wasting of time...jumping quickly from one action scene to another!

Also, J J Abrams really isn't quite creative in this movie!  The battle scenes were old...we'd seen them all before in Star Wars 6...the TIE-Fighters, the X-wing Fighters.  Except...I like the Millennium Falcon and love to see it again!  The Starkiller Base or the white ball didn't look intimidating enough as the Death Star in the Star Wars prequels!
However, perhaps Disney sees the great profit they are making now, with its global bow at a record $1.5 billion as of January 6, 2016, they may reconsider bringing Harrison Ford back in the next sequel.  We all know that in science fiction movies, they can always revive dead characters.  And Harrison Ford can almost always guarantee box office success and great profits!  Remember, Han Solo was revived once in Star Wars 6, The Return Of The Jedi.  And in Star Wars 7, Han's body was never found!  

I will put in a petition to Walt Disney Studios to revive Han Solo for the sequel!!!  I hope you will do the same too! 

After all, Disney, as a major movie maker for children's movies, cannot teach kids to kill their father!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Love Is A Many-Splendoured Thing - 生死戀

Love Is A Many-Splendoured Thing - 生死戀

The book, "A Many-Splendoured Thing", was written by Han Suyin in 1952; the movie was made in 1955 by Twentieth Century-Fox, starring William Holden and Jennifer Jones as Han Suyin.

The song with the same name from this movie written by Sammy Fain and Paul Webster had won an Oscar for the best original song in 1955.   The song was subsequently recorded by the Four Aces. 

Jennifer Jones (1919 -2009) was a great actress.  She won an Oscar for Best Actress in The Song of Bernadette (1943).  She also appeared in great movies such as, Duel In The Sun (1946), Carrie (1952), Good Morning Miss Dove; Love Is A many-Splendoured Thing (1952), The Barretts of Wimpole Street; Farewell To Arms (1957), Tender Is The Night (1962).  All my favourite movies!

William Holden (1918 - 1981) was also a great actor.  He also won an Oscar for Best Actor in 1953 in Stalag 17, a movie I haven't seen before.  But I always love him in Picnic with Kim Novak!  Who can forget Hal, the handsome shirtless drifter who came to town and stole the hearts of all women!

The story tells an Eurasian doctor, Han Suyin falls in love with a married (but separated) American correspondent played by William Holden.  The story was also an autobiography of Han Suyin, who while working in Hong Kong, fell in love with a married Australian correspondent, Ian Morrison.  They encountered prejudice from her family and from the Hong Kong society.  The movie ended when Morrison being killed in Korea in 1950. 

Han Suyin was born in China as Rosalie Matilda Kuanghu Chou (Chinese:周光瑚; Zhōu Guānghú).
Her father was an engineer educated in Belgium and her mother was Flemish.  She went to London to study Medicine in 1944, graduated in 1949 and returned to Hong Kong to practice medicine at Queen Mary Hospital where she met and fell in love with Morrison.  He was killed in 1950 in Korea.

In 1952, she married a British Officer, Leon Comber and went with him to Malaya, now Malaysia.  In the same year, she wrote the book, A Many-Splendoured Thing.

生死戀Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing)是一套根據中國籍亞歐混血女作家韓素音於1952年出版的自傳小說《A Many-Splendoured Thing》改編而成的美國荷里活電影,由二十世紀霍氏公司於1955年出品。影片的故事背景為1949至50年的香港,當時正值國共內戰的關鍵期及韓戰的爆發,飾演美國藉記者馬克的威廉·荷頓邂逅中歐混血兒醫生韓素音(由珍妮花·鍾絲飾演),但由於韓的家庭背景和當地社會壓力使到這段感情無法開花結果,最後馬克更在採訪過程死於韓戰戰場。影片大量在香港取景拍攝,景點包括香港仔漁港、淺水灣維多利亞港等,呈現不少當代殖民地風格的建築。影片獲得奧斯卡金像獎的最佳服飾設計、最佳原創音樂及最佳音樂等獎項
韓素音原名周光瑚,出生於中國河南省,父親曾在比利時留學,母親出自比利時貴族家庭。1944年、韓素音到英國讀醫學,1949年在香港瑪麗醫院任職,並結識了外國記者 Ian Morrison。可惜他已婚,他們的戀愛遭到家庭和社會壓力,時遇越戰爆發,Morrison 到前線採訪而遇難身亡!之後韓素音再婚,除了這部自傳小說之外,還有其它著作。

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

One Day When We Were Young - 回覆阿光在阿立網的貼文

回覆阿光 #76 and #80



十多年前當我扔掉我的珍藏舊唱片時亦有同感,之後還在後悔、因為有幾張唱片是沒有轉到 CD,例如這張 David Nadien Humoresque 、裏面錄有 12 首曲,我只能在網上分別買幾首 David Nadien violin 奏的曲,但聽後總覺不像錄在這張舊唱片的曲好聽!這並非 Nadien 後期奏的小提琴不好聽,而是一種偏見 - 即是對舊的事物抱著難分難捨的心態來聽!


我自 2007九月開始在這裡寫懷舊篇,寫至 2009 年六月便因要處理私事而請辭,後來再想想、也决定不再回來寫,告訴自己不能花太多時間緬懷過去,於是索性去發掘新的興趣,除了繼續礸研粵曲歷史和曲藝外,更聽一位舊同學推薦去看外國歌劇。

舊曲仍然會聽,舊電影亦會重看,也間中會聽聽新的歌星如 Justin BieberChristina Aguilera,也去看過 Michael Buble 的演唱會、Buble 本來是一把好歌喉、無奈是被商業化的包裝蓋過了他的歌聲,看完了演唱會都好像記不起他唱過甚麽歌似的,不似得以前看一些歌星的演唱會、如 Peter, Paul and Maryconcert,只靠他們的歌聲從頭帶到最後一首,都不會令人失望,所以不會買現今歌星的 CD。我亦會到戲院看新鮮出爐的電影,不過每次看完後都再沒有那種迥腸蘯氣和扣人心弦的感覺,因為現在的電影再拍不到 Gone With The Wind (亂世佳人) Dr. ZhivagoBen Hur 等級數的佳作,連最近看的Cinderella、居然把 Lord of The Rings 裡面女神般的 Cate Blanchett 變作惡毒的後母!真令人失望!






正如英國詩人Alfred Lord Tennyson說:
" Tis better to have loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all. "

還有很多種愛,愛、不一定要擁有,如柏拉圖式的愛是追求心靈溝通,不過也有些愛得痴狂的人選擇為愛犧牲一切如 Charles Dickens寫的雙城記 (A Tale Of Two Cities) 裏面的主角人物 Sidney Carton,因得不到 Lucie的愛,寧願犧牲自己生命去救 Lucie的愛人,以博取 Lucie對他的感恩。




以下的 Youtube link 1938年電影 The Great Waltz裡的一曲 - 描述 Johann Strauss II 的一段婚外情史:One Day When We Were Young -



# 76 ---  Jade, Kong, HM, 大红花

上星期, 把最後留下的40多箱唱片送走了一半, 下星期他們再來搬走餘下的
沒有可惜, 下一代, 不認識白光, 在西方長大的, 不要說 Joe Jr, Ricky Nelson, Pat Boone
Connie Francis
送給好友兒子, 說是可以處理, 他朋友和大學同學, 有些是做 DJ, 或是在 ebay做生意
我对這4000張唱片, 像是嫁女一樣, 有好人家要便送走, 好過日後落在街頭平價箱一毛錢一斤來賣
不要替我難過, 家中還有幾千張 cd/dvd 來渡餘生

我对近年代中西流行曲不認識, 很多曲是靠在 youtube 才知道存在
最近無意中聴到這首曲, 使我想起一件往事

中年的我, 那時我還有動力, 做義工探訪
一位死了丈夫的女仕, 需要探訪, 是一位家庭主婦, 在退休的年歲
她滿眼淚水, 看著丈夫相片說
「他走了也有大半年, 每晚六點鍾, 我還是在等他開門走進來」
她丈夫是在一個下雪天, 在上班時巴士站「心臟病突發」暈下, 送往醫院時己死去
她這說, 使我想起那天下雪中, 一位男仕在巴士站暈倒, 那天正好我也是在場等巴士, 剛好也有一位年青醫生和護士在旁急救, 那男仕已是不醒人事, 沒有痛苦

我們離去時, 這位失夫女仕說
「在我最需要他的時候, 沒有說一句話就走」



#80 -------- HM,Jade, kong, KY

記得林黛的不了情插曲顧媚唱「夢」曲詞嗎 ?

不了情 插曲 【夢】顧媚 主唱 演出 林黛

人説人生如夢, 我説夢如人生....
年少氣壯時, 对這些曲詞, 這些電影電視劇片集故事
「假... ... 真的很假」
活了一把年紀, 不再氣盛了
「這些詞, 這些人生, 那樣的愛情, 也許會發生過, 雖然不是我的故事」

如倆人是相同的深度, 相同熱烈的去愛, 曰後相同平淡下來, 一同老來吃飯時相同做了不談話的老伴
這般平平淡淡故事, 是無人會說和留意
但其中一位如愛得太深, 另一位程度不及或平淡下來太快, 當失去愛人時, 這位愛得太深的人, 會發生一幕悲慘另人傷心的故事

以下故事, 倆位都是愛得太深的作家


她的「撒哈拉的故事」, 幫我渡過痛苦大學生涯
讀大學時,父親生意失敗, 沒有錢給我交學費, 我是要半工讀去完成,
真的在過不下去時, 拿起「撒哈拉的故事」來看給自已打氣
三毛的勇氣和人生觀, 是我在黑暗中的燈
當我聽到她的「自殺」, 很怒, 恨她骗我,把我心中黑暗的燈吹息
幾年後, 重讀「撒哈拉的故事」, 感覺也變了, 可能是有了人生經驗, 看這些散文, 發現好像她是在苦中求樂, 筆下創造一個快樂世界
感到她寫得很乱,失去了那種內心快樂 (只是我個人的思想)
可能我誤會了, 聯起來乱想一些不是真事的「荷西婚外情」

無可否應, 三毛是很愛她的丈夫, 中年失伴, 無人能代「荷西」心中的地位
「滚滚红尘」是三毛寫的唯一劇本, 但我不喜歡這部電影

林青霞MV滾滾紅塵(電影"滾滾紅塵"主題曲 陳淑樺主唱+古筝演奏)

最喜歡她書, 仍是「撒哈拉的故事」


南康這名字, 是前天靠一首曲「我等你到三十五歲」youtube中才認識
這曲名字吸引了我, 進入去聽
原來MTV video 是播上「我等你到三十五歲」一部小書, 跟著我追看了這部短片
2 MTV video ,迷了我,
耍認識這位作家, 花了一個晚上找他的故事

三月二十七日於岳陽(湘陰段)發現並打撈 ,時年未至二十八歲。 
代表作品有 :浮生六記,我等你到三十五歲,惘然劫 

他和男友共處7, 是同校同學
男友三星期結婚前才告訴他, 並叫下屬搬走了私人物件, 走時也没有私下告別
好像婚後2年生了孩子, 到處登上相片给人看

七年的相愛, 能夠這樣忍心,說不愛便不愛, 走了也不理會南康的心在滴血
還在舊同學們送上兒子照片, 證明一下自已是一位真正男子漢, 能結婚生子
那時南康己28歲了, 心死了, 知道他是不會回頭, 不用等到35
死前把電話手机朋友電話號碼刪去, 只留下父母電話聯络
今年523, 是南康35
像在「胭脂扣」的梅艷芳, 他不再等下去

很多人記念南康, 也寫了一些關於他故事的曲

我等你到三十五歲 (他的文章)

根据天涯同志作家南康白起真人真事创作[我等你到三十五岁] (短故事)

我等你到三十五歲 by 南風ZJN(男版)- 唱曲

往日如風 by 小千)- 唱曲

風華轉瞬 by W.K. )- 唱曲

「自殺」, 「婚外情」, 「男與男-女與女的愛」, 我不會說是对或不对, 我沒有資格説這些話, 也怕日後天主會对我説「你作天怎樣去判斷別人, 今天便用你的方法來判審你」
昨天認為不是一回事, 如一夫多妻, 今天卻是犯法, 
「單身母親」「先居後婚」現在是平常事, 阿媽年代, 家人會叫你去死

愛得深, 失去時痛得更深, 三毛和南康選擇走的路, 我不加意見, 眼中只看到他们的淚, 感到他們流血心的痛
「不要怕不要怕, 不再痛了, 好好的去体息吧」

回想自已,借用一下「金粉世界」Gigi電影, Maurice Chevalier的唱曲

I'm Glad I'm Not Young Anymore