Saturday, July 9, 2011

Donny Osmond and Marie Osmond In Toronto

前幾天到 downtown 多倫多 Four Seasons (即 The New Opera House) 看了 Donny & Marie Show,也不錯, 兩兄妹在舞臺上有說有笑,能歌善舞,不過無論她唱 country songs 或 rock songs 也好,我都好像聽不清楚她在唱什麼,隔座的觀眾、都沒有給她熱烈的掌聲,後來她改唱了一首 opera - Pie Jesu,才能博得全場 standing ovation。看來她應該考慮改變唱 Broadway 或 opera 了!

不過 Donny 卻不同,他咬字清晰,聲線比年青時還雄厚得多,聽來很是悅耳, 他應當還有很多的發展空間,rock songs 或 Broadway,都很不錯呢!

最令人失望的是 Marie 只唱了幾句 Paper Roses,是跟著七十年代時的錄音後才唱幾句、Donny 也是一樣、跟著銀幕上播出的七十年代錄音的 Puppy Love 而唱最後幾句!

Can you remember the very cute young Donny Osmond? And his singing "Puppy Love"? And his younger sister Marie's "Paper Roses".

Now they are together again performing at Flamingo, in Las Vegas. But before their Vegas show, they are making a stop in Toronto for 14 shows at the Toronto Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts.

Back in the seventies, Donny and Marie were on TV every week for their "Donny and Marie Show" from 1976 to 1979. I can still remember Marie sings, "A little bit country," and Donny replies with "I"m a little bit rock and roll". He was 18 and she was 16 then when the show premiered in 1976.

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