這是一套難忘的電影,女主角 Jennifer O'Neill 真的很美,難怪她使一位正在成長的十多歲少年 Gary Grimes 動心,一個簡單的故事、配上優美的主題曲,再加上藍天碧海與沙灘,當是一套賣座的電影!這片在 1971 推出,我只是後幾年在電視上看過,但片商卻拍了一部不能賣座的續集叫 "Class of '44",也由 Gary Grimes 當男主角,但卻沒有 Jennifer O'Neill,我也沒有看過,不能賣座的原因、想是沒有好的題材和一個能吸引觀眾的美麗女主角呢!
Can you remember the movie "Summer of '42" starring Jennifer O'Neill and Gary Grimes?
I didn't see this movie when it was released in 1971; I saw it on TV years after. Jennifer O'Neill was so beautiful in the movie and Gary Grimes - he was just a teenager playing his age in the movie. It's a coming-of-age film and it was so well received when it came out, so they made a sequel in 1973, but this time without Jennifer O'Neill. And of course, it flopped!
The movie was beautifully filmed - set in a small town with sandy beaches and summer skies - combined with a simple love story and a beautiful theme song - the result is a romantic classic film!
Gary Grimes, now 56, had retired from show business after making the sequel of this film (Class of '44) in 1973, and went on to do some minor roles in the '70s and '80s. He said he's happy with his decision.
Gary Grimes 現已年屆五十六,早在八十年代已退出影壇,他拍完 Summer of '42 後拍了續集及在一些影片當不重要的角色後,因未有接到合心意的角色,所以索性不幹了,最近訪問他時,他說並沒有後誨當日的決定!
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